We have been through a lot over the last few years, many things that are outside our control. I believe we are now about to embark on an era of renewal.
As today’s business leaders we have the power to adapt, improvise, overcome and drive forward. We may get knocked down but we get back up again.
Here are the top three property considerations for 2023:
- Leaseholds to freeholds. The difference between taking out a mortgage and leasing a typical 100,000sqft warehouse is £24m
- Attention to detail: The minimum cost of messing up a break on a typical 10,000sqft office is at least £2.5m.
- Start seeing property as a driver for growth. Consolidate to what you need and drive forward.
Here’s to health and prosperity for all.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the team at SBM
Stephen Bleakley