Taking control of carbon offsetting
With light of recent events, it is becoming increasingly evident that the UK’s government are now tied up in an attempt to make us self-sufficient. Though how we are able to achieve this for our food and energy production is still left unanswered.
What is the issue with self-sufficiency?
Despite the fact self-sufficiency appears on the surface to be a wholesome affair we need to be faced with one harsh reality:
We don’t have unlimited land!
With these demands becoming more unreasonable we are becoming acutely aware that as a nation, we do not have unlimited amounts of land to place solar panels, grow our own wheat, build a new housing estate and grow vegetables and plant trees at the same time.
With competing pressures on the rise there is a squeeze on the market for land in the UK, with this uncertainty will come rising prices.
For those who are aware of the impending net zero drive, we know that land supply and costs are likely going to get worse. We are advising our clients to proactively take control of carbon offsetting as you would any other risk to your business.