Planning implications of future plans

As we continue to live through extraordinary times, history tells us that the country and the economy will recover, possibly even stronger than before. The future will be changed by the pandemic and in the short term, industry will need to be more efficient.

However, one unexpected repercussions of the lock down is that many of us have more time to consider future plans without the day to day distractions. Proposed future projects can be considered comprehensively and in a way that isn’t usually possible. By considering the planning implications of any future plans now, time and more importantly finances, can be used efficiently.

Why planning input is essential at an early stage

An understanding of town planning is an essential element of any successful project involving buildings and land. Many projects have unwittingly been doomed to failure because they have fallen foul of the Town and Country Planning Act, often after a considerable amount of time, effort and expense has been expended. This unfortunate and costly scenario, can be averted by the inclusion of a planning consultant at the early discussions of a project.

SBM can provide planning expertise and also offer advice on how to make the necessary changes to a project that will mean that compliance with planning regulations can be achieved and the project can progress. Planning advice delivered at the right time can save the unnecessary waste of time and expense of having to re-apply for permission.

Supporting a client in the East Midlands

SBM was able to quickly advise a client in the East Midlands that if they allowed their existing planning permission to lapse, the implications would be disastrous for their proposed future expansion and continued use of the site. To re-apply for a slightly amended scheme in the near future would have cost in the region of £400,000.

Also, if the scheme had lapsed, they would not have been able to gain permission as flood risk legislation had subsequently changed. By commencing works and then submitting an application for an amendment, the client was able to carry out the revised factory extension.

At the same site, SBM was able to obtain planning permission for the client for a change of use of land for a car park extension. This option enabled them to negotiate from a position of strength regarding the future lease on their existing car park on land that they didn’t own.

SBM was also in a position to offer advice on the current use class of a building and whether a change would be acceptable or require a formal application. Unwitting changes of use can result in formal enforcement action by the local council that can ultimately end with a charge against the property with the Land Registry, which results in a devaluation of the property.

SBM can take the headache out of preparing and submitting planning applications, dealing with the often confusing and threatening correspondence issued by local councils. SBM can attend meetings and agree planning solutions with the local authority on behalf of their clients, which will save time and result in a satisfactory outcome.

We are here to help lighten the burden. Read more about our planning services.

David King

David King

Planning Consultant

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